Sicerly Yaw
Corrosive Synergy
Posted - 2015.10.06 00:56:00 -
[1] - Quote
*please do not quote this in its entirety*
I've been messing around with some fits to test out how certain mods work and what can be done to get the most out of each turret
for one thing the odd ball the dispersion stabilizer is counter productive on small blasters due to the inverse dispersion
instead of making it easier to hit things while active it makes it so that the dispersion stays at its max even with a complex heat sink the dispersion stays at its max due to it starting from max and getting more accurate as you spool up
now with large blasters this may not be the case but at the ranges large blasters tend to engage something like a damge mod does more to help rather then using a dispersion stabilizer, I have also noticed that large blasters don't seem to be affected as much as small blasters with the dispersion increasing on large blasters even when the module is active while the small blasters don't seem to get any more accurate while it is active
there is no reason to use a dispersion stabilizer other then to hinder yourself unless for some reason you want to keep the large dispersion for whatever reason, this may be good after the hot fix but probably not so
now as for the rail and missile turrets rails lack range as the fall off begins at 150 and they quickly lose damge up to 300m
while missiles have a max of 200m but do not seem to have any dispersion whatsoever nor do they have any falloff making them better to use for sniping, however I am not sure if the vehicle being still has an effect on how accurate it is as I thought the missiles at least at one point did have some sort of dispersion as I have tried to do this in the past but it may have changed without my notice
if anyone is willing to offer their help and has max or high vehicle skills I could use the help testing some things out
rails dont seem to be very useful outside of the 150m mark and even within it the gunner is too vulnerable in an LAV as well as a DS with a tank being the only exception however in all these cases a missile launcher is the better of the two having better range and better AI capabilities while being the best to fend of targets flying or otherwise at range
example if an ADS comes down trying to shoot you a rail would do less help while a missile launcher would not only cause impact damge that throws off the pilots aim but also keeps them at bay so that they cannot get within 200m without risking taking damge and if they have a rail they cant really do any real damge unless they are within 150m and at 200m the damge fall off is so high that the damge is negligible
the rail needs to be like its bigger variant and have the range to be able to do its job effectively without being outdone by the other turrets while the blaster needs some help with the dispersion stabilizers so that it doesn't become counter productive to be a blaster gunner on a tank while a stabilizer is active for the main large turret
missiles are in a good place in my opinion being a good form of AI and AV but not OP in either form while the small rail needs to work at 100% efficiency up to its max of 300m or at least be 50% at 300m and possibly increase the max to something that matches the range of a sniper rifle so perhaps 400m or even 450m if a sniper rifle can do it a small rail should more then be capable of such feats but I find it more reasonable for it to maintain its 300m max range and be 100% effective within its full range
a complex heat sink on a small blaster is great but it doesn't increase the effectiveness by much and it only allows for about 140 bullets to be fired before you have to reload leaving about 60 or 30% of the clip to be almost useless if you want to get the most out of the heat sink not a major issue but it stands to reason that perhaps a complex heat sink should allow the full clip to be unloaded in a single run or at least increase the clip so that you don't have to reload so often and get more use out of a heat sink 300 would be a good number allowing for two straight runs with only about 20 bullets going unused while without a heat sink it would allow for about 4 full runs at about 80 bullets per run
now I bring all this up because as it stands all the small blasters fill in a small niche role that is somewhere close to a heavy with a heavy weapon such as a FG or AHMG but it is apparent that small rail users are dependent on their pilots ground or air for their primary defense while a good sniper or fg user can easily pick off unprotected turret users this does not include tanks as they offer far more defensive capabilities and do not expose any passengers and or gunners
my question to you guys is this, should small rails have a more present role on the battlefield, in the past there used to be small turrets placed around in strategic positions these turrets worked similar to the static large turrets but could be more easily placed in cramped and or smaller locations such as inside buildings and around objectives
or should small rails remain as they are as a vehicle only option, it has already been suggested to add some protection to turret gunners such as a bubble shiled that would simply reduce any damage taken
I myself have suggested in the past to take the models and reuse them for heavy weapons in this way we can get more content and have more heavy weapons to choose from, I also believe the small rail could be adjusted to fill in for the Amarr heavy laser while the small missile could fill the Gallente heavy plasma launcher, the blaster could become another variant to the HMG or even be made to be the anti shiled version of it
opinions? thoughts? comments? go on discuss I want to hear every argument against these ideas and perhaps some additional thoughts as to why this should be added